Big secret related to Ganesh ji
Ganesh ji related big secret
Lord Ganesha is considered the god that needs to be worshiped first, before paying your respect to any other god or starting anything auspicious. There are different stories related to Ganesha’s birth. Lord Shiva in anger had separated Ganesha’s head from his body, later when Parvati Ji insisted elephants head was put by Lord Shiva on Ganesha’s body. But Ganesha head that was cut, Shiv Ji kept it in a Cave. This cave is located in Pithoragarh of Uttarakhand. It is known as Patal Bhubaneswar.
Details about the head and Patal Bhubaneswar can also be found in the sacred book Skanda Purana. As believed the cave was discovered by Adishankaracharya and is the center of faith of devotees. The statue of Ganesh is called Adigyanesh, this cave is 90 feet below a giant hill.

In Patal Bhubaneswar cave the statue of Shri Ganesh’s head is placed and just above that Brahmakalam decorated with 108 petals placed. From this Brahmakalam water, droplet falls on the face of Adigyanesh. it is believed that Brahmakamal was placed by Lord Shiva himself.
Here also there are views of Kedarnath, Badrinath, and Amarnath. Badrinath is the statue of Badri Panchayat, including Yama-Kubera, Varun, Lakshmi, Ganesh, and Garuda. The shape of the Takkar Nag is also seen in the rock formed in the cave. Above this Panchayat, Baba is the cave of Amarnath and large stones of stone are spread.
This cave has the philosophy of Kalbhairav’s tongue. It is believed that if one enters the womb through the mouth of Kalabhairav, reaching to the tail, it becomes the salvation.
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